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甘肃省政府丝绸之路奖学金(The Silk Road Scholarship of Gansu Province)

发布时间:2018-08-06 09:12 | 点击数:6723次

为增进甘肃人民与世界各国人民的相互了解和友谊,发展甘肃省与一带一路沿线国家在政治、经济、文化、教育、经贸等领域的交流与合作,甘肃省人民政府设立奖学金,一带一路沿线各国优秀学生甘肃学习。 甘肃省政府委托甘肃省教育厅及省属院校负责甘肃省政府丝绸之路奖学金生的招生录取和在华事务管理工作。学生可在理学、工学、农学、医学、法学、经济学、管理学、教育学、文学、历史学、哲学、艺术学等十二个学科门类选择专业学习。

        I. Standard

        Tuition waiver: CNY 5,000 for master’s students and doctoral students; CNY 3,000 for undergraduate students.

        Stipend: CNY 1,200 per month (totally 10 months).

        II. Eligibility

        1. Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens, have a valid foreign passport and good health.

        2. Applicants should have good conduct; comply with Chinese government laws, rules and regulations of the university.

        3. HSK or other Chinese language-related certificates unless the program is taught in English.

        4. Applicants should have excellent academic performance.

        5. Applicants have been awarded a university-funded scholarship.

        6.Applicants have not been granted with other Chinese Government Scholarship.

        III. Application time

        January 1st to March 30th


项目院校:兰州大学  (Lanzhou University)

                 西北民族大学 (Northwest Minzu University)

                 西北师范大学(Northwest Normal University)

                 兰州理工大学(Lanzhou University of Technology)

                 兰州交通大学 (Lanzhou Jiaotong Uniersity)

                 甘肃农业大学 (Gansu Agriculture University)

                 甘肃中医药大学(Gansu University of Chinese Medicine)

                 兰州财经大学(LanZhou University of Finance and Economics)

                 甘肃政法学院(Gansu Institute of Political and Law)

                 兰州城市学院(Lanzhou City University)

                 兰州文理学院(Lanzhou University of Arts and Science)

                 陇东学院(Longdong University)

                 河西学院(Hexi University)

                 天水师范学院(Tianshui Normal University)

                 兰州石化职业技术学院(Lanzhou Petrochemical Polytechnic )

                 兰州资源环境职业技术学院(Lanzhou Resources and Environment Voc-Tech Collage)

                 甘肃交通职业技术学院(Gansu Vocational and Technical College of Communications)

电话:0931-8815305 / 8884258 联系地址:兰州市城关区庆阳路195号中山大厦1504室

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